Ingka Investments Estonia OÜ is a subsidiary of Ingka Investments BV, part of INGKA Group. Ingka Investments BV is a company managing investments in the field of sustainable resources and renewable energy. Ingka Investments BV owns forestland in US, Romania, Lithuania, Latvia, Finland and Estonia and is considering further investments.
Ingka Investments Estonia OÜ owns a portfolio of around 26,000 hectares of forest land in Estonia.
Our company commits and promises to be a responsible forest manager. Our view on forest management means taking the best measures today that will ensure proper development of the forest for tomorrow.
Our management aims to carefully protect the forests and their biodiversity elements. For us, a responsible way of managing the forests means to balance the role the forest has for the people, the environment and the economy.
We aim to preserve and in many cases enhance the quality of the forest. This is why every step we took from the beginning was directed towards being a responsible forest manager.
Form a functional team made up of local forestry specialists and train them according to our way of working
Planted more than 800,000 seedlings each year
Implement in house standards of working / Implement standards of working with suppliers and contractors
Prepare to obtain the FSC® certificate for forest management
Train coworkers in relation to both our internal standards and those of FSC®
Conduct public consultations with the local communities in relation to our management
Decided not to conduct any works in registered or potential high conservation areas until the value has been evaluated by experts
Developed a special procedure to recognize high conservation value before any logging
Established that there will be no commercial logging in more than 10% of the total forest area